Vestkapp Restaurant


Traditional Norwegian “Klippfisk” (when in season)

Opening Hours

The Vestkapp Restaurant is seasonally open from when the snow has melted in April until the first snowfall in October.

Please note that days and hours may vary depending on expected visitors and holiday periods. You will find the latest updates of opening hours at the bottom right hand side of this page.

Please remember to book a table in advance
if you wish to ensure seating in the restaurant. Although we close the kitchen at some point, you are welcome to stay put and enjoy the view throughout the evening.



Our Crew

Our goal is to create – both for food and nature – an unforgettable experience when you visit us at Norway’s western-most plateau.

Our Food

The menu at Vestkapp Restaurant is updated monthly and will be based on Norwegian local produce whenever possible.

Our projects

We will publish information about our projects when applicable via this thread.